Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Machine Embroidery Group

August Colour Theme ( Peaches and Cream/ White as a Ghost/Snow White)

The beginnings of my August work for the machine embroidery group I belong to ..

August Journal Quilt 2008 :Aus/NZ Art Quilters

Theme: Blooms/ leafy

Blooms created using glue gun , then hand stitched in place as I found out by trial and error that the machine needles weren't compatiable with glue breaking and clogging up. Leaves created using layers of green synthetic fabric and soldering iron then stitched into place using free motion machining. Background fabric created using ink jet printer and hand quilted

July Journal Quilt :Aus/NZ Art Quilters

July Journal Quilt . Train Tracks across our beautiful country, Australia

Theme: Maps and Outlines
Created by placing a map of Australia on fabric background depicting the terrain and climate of Australia. Red sequins used to mark major Train Stations across our continent using fabric and wool. All Quilting hand stitched.