Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

As planned the Seafood and Roast pre Christmas meals happened and were enjoyed by myself, Robin and Tanya. Sausage rolls and old family favourite replaced the barbque.
On the 23rd Robins eldest daughter Lana arrived with husband Brad , children Liam and Zoe.
Christmas eve arrived with me getting out of bed early to prepare salads and cold meats for the big day. Liam and I went shopping for presents for mum and dad.
After lunch I started feeling unwell with uncontrollable teeth chattering which in my head I was thinking I don't feel like I am about to be hit with a head cold.. We ate our dinner outside on the back balcony , cheese, biscuits , nibbles etc. I went inside around 8p.m to watch Carols by Candlelight at the Myer Music Bowl in melbourne telecasted on TV and noticed my left leg was very red. I then rang the local hospital and was told to come over . A doctor saw my and prescribed antibiotics for Celluloisis which we think may have been caused by a bite I had received earlier in the day when picking parsley for the tabouhli salad.
Unable to keep the antibiotics in my system I spent the day in bed Christmas Day feeling very unwell and sorry for myself.
Luckily I had set the Christmas table the night before so that all the girls had to do was carve up the meat and put the salads into bowls etc. Robins youngest daugther Tanya arrived at lunch time.
That evening I found myself admitted to the local hospital for 2 days to have IV antibiotics coming home on the Monday night with oral antibiotics and anti nausea tabs .
Luckily Robins daughters were able to assist him with cleaning the motel with our cleaner coming in on the Monday and following days to whom we are all very grateful for the assistance.
My daughter Tanya came back down the New Year weekend and assisted Robin and Shirley witht the cleaning. I have managed to clean a number of rooms in between times keeping my leg elevated as much as possible.. it is looking much better now and hope this last courss of antibiotics will do the trick and get rid of the last of the infection.