Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Project 4 Masterpieces
I machined stitched two pieces , on of the water painting and the other a photo of the still life for my Folio Piece. Both were done on Inkjet Fabric.
Project 4
Project 2
Using Solvy
Rusting and Tyvek Challenges
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
This piece started out to represent Earth using techniques from Jean Littlejohns Voluptuous Velvet book.
I feel it represents Fire more than earth. Earth, Fire, Water and Wind are the themes for this years Machine Embroidery Group at Wattletree road and also the The Embroidery House Theme for exhibition this year.
The main part of this piece has been created using a multicoloured crushed velvet which has been machined then overlayed with organza and net before a heat gun was applied. Embellished with beading . The sky I used a piece of black synthetic felt which I machined felted silk and wool fibres to before overlaying with a multi coloured piece of organza and then added some free motion maching. Trees and birds have been created on water soluable fabric before being machined to piece.
March update
Since my last entry my leg has healed and its back to normal here. The motel business has been slower than this time last year with less tradies around although this week we have been fully occupied.
The usual dramas have occured , hot water services etc deciding to stop during a busy longweekend, thankfully were easily repaired.
New Televisions purchased in readiness for our area change to Digital TV in May. General maintaince, cleaning and gardens keep us out of mischief and busy.
This year I have enrolled in an off campus machine embroidery course run by SWtafe. Our teacher is Karen Richards. Our first project is due on the 1st of April. My machine through a hissy fit last Friday resulting in the bobbin falling apart. The tension screw fell out . The machine is now in the process of being repaired , hopefully I will have it back soon . Not a good start to the course.
On the 3rd Monday of each month I am participating in guidence group for Creative Stitch and Textiles with the Morningington Pen. Branch of the Embroiders Guild. We meet in Frankston. This months project is to create a 3 D object or piece of work. I am hoping to create a vessel.
April will be busy with Easter coming up. My daughter turns 30 on the 24th and my father 93.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas 2010
As planned the Seafood and Roast pre Christmas meals happened and were enjoyed by myself, Robin and Tanya. Sausage rolls and old family favourite replaced the barbque.
On the 23rd Robins eldest daughter Lana arrived with husband Brad , children Liam and Zoe.
Christmas eve arrived with me getting out of bed early to prepare salads and cold meats for the big day. Liam and I went shopping for presents for mum and dad.
After lunch I started feeling unwell with uncontrollable teeth chattering which in my head I was thinking I don't feel like I am about to be hit with a head cold.. We ate our dinner outside on the back balcony , cheese, biscuits , nibbles etc. I went inside around 8p.m to watch Carols by Candlelight at the Myer Music Bowl in melbourne telecasted on TV and noticed my left leg was very red. I then rang the local hospital and was told to come over . A doctor saw my and prescribed antibiotics for Celluloisis which we think may have been caused by a bite I had received earlier in the day when picking parsley for the tabouhli salad.
Unable to keep the antibiotics in my system I spent the day in bed Christmas Day feeling very unwell and sorry for myself.
Luckily I had set the Christmas table the night before so that all the girls had to do was carve up the meat and put the salads into bowls etc. Robins youngest daugther Tanya arrived at lunch time.
That evening I found myself admitted to the local hospital for 2 days to have IV antibiotics coming home on the Monday night with oral antibiotics and anti nausea tabs .
Luckily Robins daughters were able to assist him with cleaning the motel with our cleaner coming in on the Monday and following days to whom we are all very grateful for the assistance.
My daughter Tanya came back down the New Year weekend and assisted Robin and Shirley witht the cleaning. I have managed to clean a number of rooms in between times keeping my leg elevated as much as possible.. it is looking much better now and hope this last courss of antibiotics will do the trick and get rid of the last of the infection.
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